By Christopher Livesay
27 febbraio, 20:04
In the same breath he chided the capital's mayor for his outspoken concerns. "I invite everyone to use different language. Marino's motives were understandable, his tone wasn't," Renzi, Italy's youngest premier at 39, told a meeting of his center-left Democratic Party (PD).
Throughout the day Marino, a member of the PD, urged the government to move fast in a media blitz that was at times critical of the nascent government.
"It has to clearly say whether it is giving us the legislative tools to solve the problem once and for all. "Rome must be able to spend the money it has and only that.
It's no longer time for chatting, its time for deeds".
"In March there won't be money to pay 25,000 city employees, to pay for fuel for the buses, to keep the nurseries open, to collect rubbish or to organise the canonization of the two popes, an event of a planetary scale," he said. Marino, who has said he would quit rather than oversee the capital move towards a default, also argued that he was not asking for charity from central government, but for the city's rights to be respected. "The money for what you journalists call the Save Rome decree is the money of Romans' taxes," he said. "The Italian government must give it back to us. It belongs to Rome". A previous version of the Save Rome decree was abandoned by Letta's executive after President Giorgio Napolitano expressed doubts about its Constitutionality, as many measures unrelated to the main thrust of the legislation had been tacked on.