One of Italy's top lung experts said
that after Friday's unexpected respiratory crisis it will now
take two months for Pope Francis to make a full respiratory
recovery while it will take at least a week to make a clear
Friday's crisis has certainly compromised the recovery outlook
that had been laboriously achieved in the last few days,
"lengthening the time scale for discharge", said Stefano
Nardini, former president of the Italian Society of Pneumology.
In a situation like this, with a similar clinical picture, to be
able to resolve the prognosis it could take at least a week and
a couple of months for full respiratory recovery, said Nardini.
He went on to explain what the future path could be, if
everything were to proceed for the best, in a patient in the
pope's condition.
"The time for hospitalization is longer, in this situation
non-invasive ventilation with an oxygen mask and increased
pressure is useful.
"But it could take at least a week to resolve the prognosis.
"Once resolved, a therapeutic path will then have to be decided
and then the times for a possible discharge will be clearer.
"But to return to the conditions of full respiratory recovery,
at least a couple of months will be needed".