Pope Francis has a hard time talking
but can communicate through his silence, Cardinal Gianfranco
Ravasi told Rome daily Il Messaggero in an interview published
on Wednesday.
The Pontiff, 88, who left hospital Sunday after 38 days
fighting pneumonia and faces a convalescence of at least two
months, "in this moment certainly has difficulty speaking but I
am sure he will deliver messages even through his silence", said
"Communication isn't only made of sounds, it isn't only verbal",
he noted, adding that "it is possible to do great things despite
strong personal impediments".
Asked about upcoming Easter celebrations and the canonization of
Carlo Acutis, the Cardinal said he didn't see "great problems".
"Unfortunately there is often the temptation of filtering
reality through functionality, an anxiety to perform brought to
its extreme by the dominating culture which translates, if one
is limited, into inducing them to do nothing, setting them
aside", he said.