The film 'C'è ancora domani' by Paola Cortellesi was screened at the auditorium of the Genghis Khan Museum in Ulaanbaatar, in the presence of screenwriters Giulia Calenda and Furio Andreotti. The screening, with subtitles in Mongolian and English, was preceded by the conference "Empowerment through time: the road to gender equality", organised by the Italian Embassy in Mongolia, with the participation of the Hon. Undraa, President of the Italy-Mongolia inter-parliamentary friendship group, Mrs. Enkhbayar, Secretary General of the National Commission for Gender Equality, and the country managers of ADB, UNDP and UNFPA.
The conference, which was opened by Ambassador Giovanna Piccarreta, was attended by the two scriptwriters of the film, who later responded to the Q&A session, which followed the screening of the film.
The film was particularly appreciated by the Mongolian audience, where gender violence is a hot topic. Tomorrow, the conference participants will be present at the Embassy to inaugurate the red bench, a symbol of the fight against violence against women.