The Italian Ambassador to Slovakia, Gianclemente De Felice, carried out a mission to Trnava on the occasion of the installation of the new Rector of Trnavská University, Miloš Lichner.
The ceremony was attended by the Rectors of the Slovak universities and those of neighbouring countries (Czech Republic, Hungary) and some EU countries (the Rector of the University of Camerino was present for Italy). During the mission, the Ambassador had a cordial conversation with the President of the Autonomous Region of Trnava, Josef Viskupič, with whom he discussed possible initiatives to consolidate the dialogue between regions, both economically and culturally, taking into account the variety of the Trnava district (the only one in Slovakia bordering three countries, Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary). Lastly, the Ambassador visited Comet SVK in Zavar, an Italian production company engaged in the automotive components sector.