Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala on Tuesday
accused part of Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of
Italy (FdI) party of being inspired by the Fascist era after it
called for his resignation in a dramatic session of the city
assembly on Monday.
During the session, which followed the arrest of council
official in a corruption probe, FdI's whip in the city assembly
charged over to the executive's benches and tossed several
documents in a bin.
"The centre-right says it will definitely win the next municipal
elections and good luck to them," Sala said.
"I will fight with all my might so that Milan does not go into
the hands of this right wing (group) with fascist connotations
"Yesterday was a difficult, tough day.
"I don't get het up about the resignation request.
"These things happen in the theatre of politics
"But what happened on the floor (of the assembly) are scenes
from the Fascist period.
"Some of FdI's representatives are of that cultural mould".