On the eve of tomorrow's
parliamentary elections in Kosovo, citizens living abroad who
have not opted to vote by mail will cast their votes today at
embassies and consulates. There are 43 polling stations across
16 embassies and 14 consulates in 19 countries, open from 7 AM
to 7 PM (the same time as in Italy).
Of the 105,000 Kosovars registered to vote abroad, 20,324
have indicated they wish to vote at diplomatic missions. The
remaining voters could vote by mail in the days leading up to
the election. Due to recent legislative changes, the election
silence day has been abolished, allowing the election campaign
to continue until the polls open tomorrow at 7 AM.
Political leaders, such as Prime Minister Albin Kurti from
the 'Vetevendosje' (Self-Determination, VV) party, which is
favored to win, are making final appeals to voters. Serbian
President Aleksandar Vučić has also urged Kosovo Serbs to
support Srpska Lista (SL), the largest party representing the
Serbian community in Kosovo Srpska Lista (SL) maintains close
ties with Belgrade's leadership and aims to secure all ten seats
it currently holds in the Pristina Parliament.