Violence against women is a "poisonous
weed" that must be eradicated from society, Pope Francis said on
"Violence against women is a poisonous weed that afflicts our
society and must be eradicated," said the pope in a message for
the campaign against violence against women organised by Rai
Radio1 and Cadmi D.I.Re.
"And these roots are cultural and mental, they grow in the soil
of prejudice, of possession, of injustice," he added.
"How many women are overwhelmed by the weight and tragedy of
violence! How many are mistreated, abused, enslaved, victims of
the arrogance of those who think they can have their bodies and
their lives at their disposal, (how many are) forced to
surrender to the greed of men," said the pope.
In his message Francis appealed to society to "not remain
indifferent", to "act immediately, at all levels, with
determination, urgency and courage" to give a voice to "our
voiceless sisters".
"How we treat a woman shows our degree of humanity," he
"In too many places and in too many situations, women are made
to take a back seat, considered 'inferior', like objects.
When a
person is reduced to being an object, their dignity is no longer
seen," said te pope.
Francis also stressed the ambiguous role played by mass media
and reiterated the urgent need for education, "starting from the
family, that places the individual with their dignity at the
centre" and promotes "fair and balanced relationships based on
mutual respect and recognition".