The initiative adopted by Turin's ASL
health authority to remain open on Sunday for medical tests and
visits sets the example on how to improve healthcare and cut
waiting lists, Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said in a note
on Monday.
Commenting on the Sunday openings first reported by Turin daily
La Stampa, the note said that, "just a few months after the
approval of the law on waiting lists, dozens of facilities
across Italy have already adopted effective measures to deal
with the problem" of long waiting times to access services.
"The tools exist and must be used with determination" to cut
waiting lists, said the note, adding that "it is fundamental for
each Region and ASL to continue along this path, with the
objective of guaranteeing to all citizens" an efficient
healthcare service.
It said the health ministry would continue to monitor the
implementation of the measures and help healthcare facilities
organize services.
A decree passed by Giorgia Meloni's government with measures
seeking to cut national health system waiting lists became law
in July.
Under the legislation, regional governments are obliged to set
up single 'CUP' booking centres for people to reserve
appointments and monitoring of waiting lists will be assigned to
the national agency for regional health services, AGENAS, with a
health care control inspectorate and services offered at
weekends if necessary.
Medical services also need to be guaranteed through the opening
of new centres or through private clinics which have an
agreement to provide public services under the new legislation.
Under the new measures, regional governments will set health
agency managers annual waiting-list targets and those who fail
to meet them risk 12-month suspensions, according to the draft.
Regional governments, which are in charge of organizing public
health care in Italy, have expressed concern that the law will
infringe on their powers by enabling central government to run
checks regarding the waiting lists and then tell the regions to
adopt solutions if problems are found .