On the occasion of the Dantedì, the Divine Poet was celebrated in Croatia with a theatre performance whose texts were taken from the cycle of Impossible Interviews, the title of a programme on the second RAI radio network, aired in 1974 and 1975, in which personalities from contemporary culture act out interviews with ghosts of people who lived in other eras, hence the title. Three actors, Cloris Brosca, Gabriella Casali and Edoardo Siravo, with a well-established and brilliant theatrical career to their credit, gave life to a highly appreciated performance presented by the Consulate General in Rijeka in Buje, an Istrian locality where a significant Italian community lives, and replicated by the Italian Cultural Institute in Zagreb.
In his speech, the Italian Ambassador, Paolo Trichilo, recalled the historical ties between Dante and the Croatian capital, where, in the historic centre, there is the oldest pharmacy in the city, active since 1355, founded, it seems, by a Florentine and managed since 1399 by Nicolò Alighieri, a great-grandson of the Poet; the interesting circumstance is recalled by a plaque affixed by the Municipality of Zagreb in 1989 on the pharmacy walls.