The Socialist MEPs from the
Slovenian and Croatian delegations have attacked the exhibition
'Foibe: Tragedy and Exodus', organised by Stefano Cavedagna,
calling it "full of falsehoods and historical inaccuracies" and
requesting that the president of the European Parliament,
Roberta Metsola, withdraw the exhibition posters. "Examining the
content of the exhibit on display, it is absolutely clear that
there is complete disregard for the facts," wrote the nine MEPs
who signed the letter, accusing the organisers of "presenting an
untruthful and extremely damaging representation of Slovenia,
Italy, and Croatia's recent history."
"The request by the Slovenian and Croatian left to remove the
exhibit dedicated to the tragedy of the foibe and the Italian
exodus from Istria, Fiume, and Dalmatia is a very dark page for
the European Parliament," replied Carlo Fidanza, head of the FdI
However, one of the signatories, Slovenian Socialist MEP
Nemec, reiterated the letter's reasoning. On the sidelines of
the plenary session in Strasbourg, he stated that the exhibition
"shows that what happened in the foibe happened only to
Italians." But this is false: it happened to Italians,
Slovenians, Serbs, Croats, and Germans on Italian and Yugoslav
territory," and these "are things that need to be told in the
right way."
According to parliamentary sources, the conference of group
leaders in the EP addressed the issue raised by the nine
Socialist MEPs but without taking any decision on the matter.
The exhibition will therefore remain on display until its
scheduled end, on Friday.