"Nova Gorica and Gorizia symbolize
the new Europe: freedom, where before a wall closed and
prevented. Friendship, where before there was forced separation.
Cooperation, where before mistrust resisted. Nova Gorica and
Gorizia are a sign of hope in a continent wounded by the tragic
return of war and challenged by impetuous changes." This is a
passage from President Sergio Mattarella's speech published
today by Nem Group newspapers on the occasion of the
inauguration of Go!2025. The head of state expresses "hope
that Europe will continue to be true to itself, to the reasons
for peace that have willed it, to the great ideals of humanity,
democracy, equal rights, and solidarity that constitute the
foundations of its civilization. The humanism that of Europe is
the language with which it can dialogue in the world even in
this change of epoch." From this point of view, "together, the
Republic of Slovenia and the Italian Republic, we have been able
to write a new page of European history," and "culture can
nurture reconciliation and open the new road of the valorization
of the peculiarities and precious diversities of each." "Union
multiplies opportunities to be masters of the future, drying up
the feelings of hostility that the horrors of the wars of the
20th century had left as a legacy," the president continued. If
European civilization is "building the future together, drawing
energy from the richness of the pluralities of our experiences,
of our communities. And culture is the fruit of the dynamics of
the life of communities that, more and more, unite their
destinies. Who better than the identities of Nova Gorica and
Gorica can represent and interpret these aspirations in Europe?"
In short, "Nova Gorica and Gorica will be, during this 2025, a
light in the path of the European Union. Italy and Slovenia are,
legitimately, proud of this," Mattarella concluded.